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Eye implants restore 'useful sight' to two blind patients

"Doctors, led by Kings College and Oxford surgeons, restore rudimentary monochrome vision to trial patients"

Category: Medical Physics


Sea-level rises 'may not be as high as worst-case scenarios have predicted'

"New research suggests Greenland's glaciers are slipping into the sea more slowly than previously thought"

Category: Climate Change


Nuclear power is only solution to climate change, says Jeffrey Sachs

"Earth Institute director says urgency of problem and immaturity of renewable energy industry leave little option but nuclear"

Category: Energy sources


Radioactive waste 'may be blighting 1,000 UK sites'

"MoD under fire after report finds number of contaminated sites is far higher than previously estimated"


Climate change will shake the Earth

"A changing climate isn't just about floods, droughts and heatwaves. It brings erupting volcanoes and catastrophic earthquakes too"

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 276 to 280 out of 2977